الثلاثاء، 15 ديسمبر 2015

The Letters of AI-Mustansir bi'llah

The Letters of AI-Mustansir bi'llah[1]
        IN the archives of the Da'wat of the Yemen and India a collection of royal letters and decrees (sijillat) issued by the Fatimid Khalifa al-Mustansir bi'llah (denoted in the following pages by the letter M.) (died A.H. 487 = A.D. 1094) to the SuIaihids of the Yemen has been preserved, and a manuscript containing this collection of documents, has now been acquired by the Library of the School of Oriental Studies, London. The MS. is a modern copy, which belonged to an Isma'ili priest in India. I have searched in vain for other copies, but it is quite likely that we might find others in the collections of the Isma'iIis in the Yemen and India. I give in the following pages a synopsis of the historical matter contained in these documents. Apart from their interesting literary style the letters furnish us with some useful historical data and contemporary evidence for the period covered by them, viz. the forty-four years from A.H. 445 = A.D. 1053 to A.H. 489 = A.D. 1095.
      'All, son of Muhammad as-Sulaihi (S), the founder of the Su1aihid Kingdom in the Yemen, who made his declaration of independence on the summit of Masar, Mount Haraz, in A.H. 429 = A.D. 1037, owed allegiance to none except M. In this collection we have letters of M. written from A.H. 445, about the time when S. had consolidated his power in the Yemen. One of the greatest achievements of S. was his success in establishing peace in Mecca on behalf of M. (vide Nos. 3, 4, 7, and 12). With the discovery of these documents we are able to fix the date of the death of S. Nos. 40 and 60 leave us in no doubt that he was assassinated in A.H. 459 = A.D. 1067. This is further confirmed by 'Umara[2] , Idris 'Imadu'd-din ('Uyun, vii), al-Khazraji and Ibnu'I-Athir.
     The kingdom which S. established would have fallen to the ground if his son Ahmad al-Mukarram (Muk.) had not come to its rescue and restored it (vide Nos. 60 and 61). After a brief period of rule, Muk. retired to the heights of Dhu Jubla, the summer capital, and his wife,

Our Noble Lady, Sayyidatuna'I-Hurra (S.H.), took up the reins of administration of the State and the Da'wat. She ruled the country with the assistance of her premiers and the commanders-in-chief of her armies, though after the death of Muk .his young son 'Abdu'I-Mustansir (A.M.) was appointed as the nominal head of the State (vide No. 14).
The Isma'ili movement aimed at extensive propaganda and organization of the Da'wat wherever it was possible. M. entrusted to S.H. the work of supervising the affairs of the Da'wat in India (vide Nos. 50 and 63). The Sulaihid Kingdom came to its end after the death of the great Queen of Arabia. Though the Sulaihid Empire was short-lived, it was full of exciting events. This collection throws some interesting  sidelights on the history of the latter part of the long reign of M. and on that of his alIies, the $ulaihids. Among these letters. Nos. 1,5,6,8,13,15,16,18,19,20,27,28,30,31,32,34,35,37,39,43,57,64, and 66, give to the $ulaihids information about the events which happened in Egypt and at the Fatimid Court. Nos. 1,13,18,19,30,31,64 convey felicitations on the 'Id and describe the festivities on these happy occasions in Cairo. Almost all letters written after A.H. 467 = A.D. 1074 mention Badru'l-Jamali in highly eulogistic terms (vide No. 32).
    S. sent his emissary, Lamak b. Malik, who was then the Grand Qadi of the Yemen, to the court of M. (vide Nos. 42 and 55), where he lived for several years with al-Mu'ayyad fi'd-din ash-Shirazi,[3] returning to the Yemen after his master S. had died. It was through al-Mu'ayyad and Lamak that the literature of the Fatimid Da'wat was transferred from Egypt to the Yemen. These documents testify that direct relations existed between al-Mu'ayyad and the Da'wat of the Yemen (vide Nos , 55 and 61). I have dealt in detail with the question as to how the literature written during the Fatimid period came to be preserved down to our own times in the Yemen and India in JRAS., April, 1933. The documents support the conclusion arrived at in that article that there existed political, religious, and literary links between Egypt and the Yemen during this period. In the reign of S.H. the Da'wat was separated from the State, an account of which is given in JRCAS., Vol. xviii, part 4, October, 1931. The Da'wat, after the decline of the Sulaihidi, became a purely religious organization and inherited the literature written and brought from Egypt during the Sulaihid period. It was this .secret organization of the Da'wat which has preserved these documents for us together with many other gems of Islamic literature.
       It will perhaps be of interest in this connection to mention D Covenant ('Ahd) of M. preserved in the Autobiography (Sirat) of al-Mu'ayyad  fi'd-din ash-Shirazi. This Covenant was read by aI-Mu'ayyad on behalf of M. to Abu'l-Harith aI-Basasiri.
       It is probable that this collection was one of the sources of Idris 'Imadu'd-din for his history of the Da'wat entitled 'Uyun al-Akhbar, vol. vii. In this work he quotes Nos. 5, 14, 35, and 50 in toto, and No. 7 in the incomplete form in which we find it in the collection. But Idris had other sources as well, for he reproduces in 'Uyun some letters of M. addressed to the Sulaihids which are not to be found in the collection. It will therefore be useful to take note of the letters of M., which are not mentioned in the collection, but are preserved in 'Uyun:-
        Letter of M. to S. dated Rabi' I, A.H. 458; with condolences upon the death of the latter's Bon ('Uyun, vii,f. 40b-f.41a).
        Letter of M. to Muk. dated Rabi' I, A.H. 458, expressing condolences upon the death of his brother (ibid., f. 41b).
        Letter of M. to S. dated Jumada II, A.H. 459, regarding the permission requested by S. to go to Egypt (ibid., f. 42a-f. 44a).
          Letter of M. to Muk. dated Muharram, A.H. 467, giving tidings of  the birth of a son named Ahmad and surnamed Abu'l-Qasim (afterwards al-Musta'li) (f. 77a). Compare this with Nos. 6 and 11.
              The book contains sixty-six letters written to the order of M., with the exception of Nos. 28, 35, 43, 51, and 52. All the letters of M. are headed- by basmalat and hamd, written by the hand of M. himself (بخط اليد الشريفة النبوية). The formulaالحمد لله رب العالمين  is the motto of M. This is also further supported by a reference to M.'s letter headed by this motto in al-Hidayat al-Amiriyya[4]. At the beginning of the letters of the mother of M. (see Nos. 51 and 52) is the formulaالحمد لله ولي كل نعمة , which seems to be her motto. No. 35 is the letter of the mother of al-Musta'li bi'lIah, which is headed by the formulaالحمد لله على نعمة . It is remarkable, that S., Mnk., and A.M. all bore the kunya Abu'I-Hasan.

The following table gives the chronological order of the sijilat:-

 'Idu'I-Fitr 445
 Rajab 448.
 'Idu 'I-Fitr 451
 Safar 452.

 Rabi' I 455.
 Ramadan 455
 Rabi Il 456
 Jumada I 456
 Rajab 457.
 Sha'ban 460.
 Rabi' I 46I.
 Rabi' II 461.
 Jumada I 461
 Jumada II 461
 Jumada II 461
 Ramadan 461
 Ramadan 461
 Muharram 467.
 Safar 467 .
 Rabi' I 468.
 Sha'ban 468
 Dhu'I-Qa'da 468
 Rabi' II 469
 Dhu'I-Qa'da 470
 Safar 471.
 Safar 471.
Mother of M.
 Shawwal 472
 Shawwal 472
 Shawwal 472
 'Idu'l-Adha 474
 Rabi' I 476.
 'ldu'l-Fitr 476
 'Idu'I-Adha 476
 Rabi' I 478.
 Rabi' I 478.
 Rabi' II 478
 Rabi' II 478
 'ldu'l-Fitr 478
 'Idu1-Adha 478
 'Idu1-Adha 478
 Dhu'l-Hijja 478
Sister of M.
 Muharram 419
 Rabi' I 480.
Muh. b. Muk.
 Rabi' I 480.
 Rabi' I 480.
 Rabi' I 480.
 Rabi' I 480.
Sulaihid and Zawahid Sultans
 Rabi' I 480.
 Rabi' I 480.
 Rabi' II 480.
Daughter of az-Zahir
 Jumada I 480
 Jumada II 480
 'ldu'l-Fitr 480
 Dhu'I-Qa'da 481
 Dhu'I-Qa'da 481
 Dhu'I-Qa'da 481
 Dhu'I-Qa'da 481
 Safar 489.
 Safar 489.
Mother of Musta'li, widow of M.
-                 .  . 
-(after 457)
-"Mharram of the abovementioned year"
-                 .   .
-                 .   .

S. (?)

        The following is a detailed inventory of the letters in the order in which they are contained in the MS. :-
1)                       f. 1b-f. 3b.-Mustansir's (M.) letter  to 'Ali b. Muhammad as-Sulaihi (          S.),dated 'Id al-Fitr, A.H. 451 :-
              M. informs  S. of the successful close of the month of fasting and of the advent of the Festival of 'Id. He desires S. to give publicity to this news.
2)                    f.3b-f. 6a.-To Muhammad, son of S., dated Rabi' II, A.H. 456.
M. mentions the services of S. in the cause of the Faith ,enjoins Muhammad to remain obedient to his parents and to take his two brothersالأمير المكرم منجب الدولة وصنيعتها ذي السيفين and الأمير الموفق نجيب الدولة وغرسها ذي الفضيلتين  into his confidence and to be of good behavior to his subjects.
3)                    f. 6b-f. l0b.-To S.; date not mentioned:-
M. mentions (I) As'ad b. 'Abdullah, (2) 'Abdullah b. 'Ali,  (3) Muhammad b. 'Asiya, (4) Mansur b Hamid, (5) Musa b. Abi Hudhaifa, and (6) Ibrahim b. Abi Salma. as bearers of S.'s letter to him. M. bestows upon S. additional robes of honour and adds to the title of his eldest son منتجب الدولة وصفوتها the word ذو المجدين, to the title of his younger son منجب الدولة وغرسها the word ذو السيفين, and to that of his youngest son نجيب الدولة وصنيعتها the word

ذو الفضلين. M. takes note of the services of the wife of S. in the interests of the Faith.
                           M. says that he received a letter from the ruler of Mecca in which the latter had mentioned S.'s help in restoring order in Mecca. and expresses his delight and appreciation of the success of S. in this respect.
                          M. is pleased with S.'s messengers and says that they have all gone back to their master except Muhammad b. 'Asiya, whom death has overtaken.
                        The Wazir Abu'l-Faraj 'Abdullah b. Muhammad is mentioned in eulogistic terms and S. is asked to address communications to the Wazir.
4)                    f. l0b-f. 14b.-To S. (cf. 'U.A., vii, f. 13a-15a), dated 21 Jumada I, A.H. 456:-
                      M. acknowledges the receipt of two letters of S.-one from San'a, dated Sha'ban 455, and the other from Hajar Shawwal 455.
Replying to the first letters, written after his return from Mecca M. recognizes the services of S. in subduing the rebellion of the Khariji who led the people of Madhhaj, of the Nakh' and of 'Abs, in reducing his strongholds and in inflicting a complete defeat upon him.
                     M. asks S., however, to treat the ruler of Mecca. with leniency.  If statesmanship is not effectual, S. is asked to pursue what course he deems fit. M. takes note of S.'s recommendation that the office of the Qadi of Mecca be transferred from 'Abdullah b. Ibrahim al-Husaini to his grandson on account of his piety and other qualities.
                      Referring to the second letter, M. shows his appreciation of S.'s efforts in suppressing the revolt of lbn 'Uraf. M. says that he is in touch with the news of Ibn 'Uraf. M. is pleased that Sharif Fakhr u'l-ma'ali dhu'l-majdain rejected the advances of Ibn 'Uraf's son at Mecca. M. accepts the recommendation of S. in the matter of the grandson of 'Abdullah b. Ibrahim. M. also grants S.'s request to grant an amnesty to As'ad. In recognition of his great services, M. bestows upon S. the additional title of "Support of the Khilafat"(عمدة الخلافة).
5)                    f. 15a-f. 17b.-To S. (cf. 'U.A., vii, f. 37b-f. 38b), dated Ramadan, A.H. 455:-
               M. describes the rebellion of Ibn Badis, the departure of Aminu'd-daula Hasan b. 'Ali b. Mulhim at the command of M. to the other provinces of Africa, and the success of Aminu'd-daula in uniting the Arabs, capturing the stronghold of Fez, appointing Ibn Yalmu as governor of the provinces, besieging Ibn Badis and in suppressing his revolt and restoring the country to M.
6)                    f. 18a-f. 2Oa.-To S., dated Safar, A.H. 452:-
            M. gives the glad tidings of the birth of a son to him on Sunday, 14th Safar, ,A.H. 452. The new-born child is named Ahmad and surnamed Abu'I-Qasim. S. is asked to give publicity to this news in the length and breadth of his country.
7)                      f. 20b-f.23a.-The introductory part of this letter (vide 'U.A., vii, f. IIa-f. 12b, where  the introductory portion is missing also) is missing, but from the following  contents it is clear  that this is M.'s letter to S., which is dated Rabi' I, A.H. 455:-
                M. takes note of S.'s kindly treatment of a runaway to the Yemen and goes on to describe how S. helped him to rise from insignificance to glory and shows how the favoured one became ungrateful to his benefactor and what efforts were made by S. to reconcile the contending parties at Mecca. M. is anxious that blood be not shed on the holy land, but gives S. latitude to deal with the situation as he chooses, relying upon his good sense.
               In reply to S.'s complaint, M. says that S. did not properly understand the reason of stationing the Amir Za'im ad-daula Husain b. Ahmad at Mecca, whom S. holds responsible for the cause of war.
M., however, reassures S. that he will write to the Amir in the matter.
              In compliance with S.'s. request, M. grants S. his wish to bestow upon 'Abdullah b. Ibrahim b. 'AbduIlah al-Husaini favours from the public treasury (Bait al-mal).
8)                    f. 23b-f. 24a.-To S., date missing:-
               This letter contains tidings of the birth of a son to M. in the second third of Jumada I, A.H. 457. The new-born child is named al-Muhsin and surnamed Abu'I-Fadl. The letter abruptly ends with the words:لتأخذ بحظك من الاغتباط بيمن موردها وتزريع . The last part is missing.
9)                    f. 24a-f. 25a.-A considerable portion of this letter is missing, and only the concluding part is preserved. It is dated" Muharram of the above-mentioned year". The year is mentioned in the last portion. The fragment contains M.'s sermon addressed to one of the SuIaihids on the code of conduct he should adopt in the administration of the affairs of his kingdom.
10)                f. 25b-f. 26b.-To Muhammad, son of S., dated Rajab, A.H.457:-
                                    Replying to Muhammad's letter, M. pronounces his blessings upon the young Prince, and appreciates the Prince's part in the administration of the affairs of his father's kingdom and exhorts him to be dutiful to his parents and affectionate to his brothers and the faithful.
11)                    f. 26b.-f. 27b.-To S., date missing :-
                                     M. announces the news of the birth of a son to him, who is named al-Hasan and surnamed Abu Muhammad. The letter ends abruptly with ويكاد زيتها يضيء ولو لم تمسسه نار نور على نور يهدي الله لنوره من يشاء,the last part missing.
12)                 f. 28b-f. 30a.-To S., dated Friday, 22 Rajab, .A.H. 448:¬
M. acknowledges the receipt of this letter at the hands of the messengers of S. M. assures him of the high esteem in which M. holds the Sharif Taj aI-ma'ali Muhammad b. Sharif Hasan b.Ja'far al-Husaini, whose case S. has recommended, and gives his assent to whatever S. does to ensure the bonds of friendship in the interests of the House to which he (M.) and the Sharif belonged.
13)                 f. 30a-f. 31b.-To S., dated 'Id al-Fitr, .A.H. 445:-
This contains a description of the pomp and magnificence with which M.'s procession marched towards the Public Prayer Ground (Musalla) on the Festival of the 'Id, of his prayer and sermon, and of his return to his Palace.
14)                 f. 32a.-f. 36a.-To A.M (see 'U.A., f. 64a-f. 66a), dated 1st Rabi' I, A.H. 478:-
                              M. gives A.M. elaborate condolences on the death of his father, aI-Mukarram. The letter contains a high tribute to Badru'l-Jamali, as also 'to the deceased. M. sends Amir Abu'I-Hasan Jauhar al-Mustansiri to offer condolences in person on behalf of M., and gives him powers to perform other formalities. From the literary point of view, the style of Insha' in which this letter is composed is one of the most elaborate in this collection.
15)                 f. 36b-f. 39a.-To A.M., dated 7th Muharram, A.H. 479:-
               M. writes very highly of the services of (Badru'I-Jamali) Amir u'I-Juyush, then goes on to describe the high position of his son, al-Afdal, and asks A.M. to mention al-Afdlal in the official sermon along with himself and Amir al-Juyush.
16)                 f. 39b-f. 42a.-To A.M., dated Jumada. I, A.H. 480:-
              M. describes the anarchy which once paralysed his kingdom,

then the advent of Badr and the consequent establishment of order and peace. But M. complains that one 'Abdullah ar-Rikabi is still busy with his miachievous work against the State. M. therefore asks A.M. to direct all his powers to annihilating the mischief-monger.
17)                   f. 42b-f. 44b._To Abu 'Abdillah Muhammad, son of Muk.,dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480:-
              This contains M.'s exhortation to Muk. to be loyal to his brother.
18)                 f. 45a-f. 47a.-To A.M., dated 'Id al-Fitr, A.H. 480:-
The rejoicings of the Festival of the 'Id are described.
19)                 f. 47b-f. 49a.-To A.M., dated 'Id al-Fitr, A.H. 478:-
The festivities of the 'Id described.
20)              f . 49b-f. 5Ib.-To S.H., dated Shawwal, A.H. 472:-
M. asks her to follow in the footsteps of her mother-in-law and seek the advice of Badr. He asks her to secure the arrest of (1) 'Abdullah ar-Rabbani, (2) Ibrahim GhuIam al-'Amiri, who claimed prophet hood for himself, (3) al-Husairi, (4) his son (i.e. of al-Husairi). M. Says that they are hypocrites and mischief-mongers.  They had gone to the Yemen and joined hands with the enemies of the Da'wat.  They should be either captured or killed (see below, No. 39).
21)                 f. 51b-f. 52a.-To S.H., date missing
The last part of the letter is missing. The fragment contains expressions of M.'s high appreciation of Badr.
وطالعي الوالد السّيد الأجل أمير الجيوش....بدر المستنصري فهو خليفتنا وباب دعوتنا الحال منا محلا لم يحله احد قبله القائم من امورنا متمام الاساس لمشكلات الالتباس وهو عليك شفيق ولمصالح حالكم سالك في كل طريق
The document ends with the words: واعلمي ذلك وسارعي اليه إن شاء الله تع
22)             f. 52b-f. 56a._To A.M., dated Dhu'I-Qa'da, A.H. 481
        M. says he has issued orders that the faithful remain loyal to him and to his mother S. He then mentions the co-operation of Badr and praises him in high terms.  M. acknowledges the receipt of S.H.'s letter, which she wrote in reply to M.'s.  M. sends this letter to her by the hand of Shaikh Abu Nasr Salamah b.Husain, together with other letters addressed  to the Sultans and the believers in the Yemen. M. is pleased to note that the quarrel between Saba b. Ahmad as-Sulaihi and Sulaiman b. 'Amir az-Zawahi  had been settled amicably.
23)             f. 56b-f. 58a.-To AM., dated Dhu'l-Qa'da, A.H. 481:-
                  M. acknowledges the receipt of the letter in which A.M. excuses himself for delay in sending the amount of poor-rate (zakat). M. administers a mild rebuke for neglecting this essential obligation particularly when A.M.'s ancestors were so punctual in their remittances.
24)              f. 58b-f. 60a.-To A.M., dated Dhu'I-Qa'da, A.H. 481:-
                M. conveys his condolences upon the deaths of Muhammad, A.M.'s brother, and of Muhammad b. 'Ali b. Malik as-Sulaihi, A.M.'s cousin.
25)             f. 60b-f. 62b.-To A.M., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480:-
               This letter speaks of the nobility of A.M. and of his ancestors, and also of their services to the cause of the Da'wat. Amir 'Adud ad-daula has informed M. about this. M. then speaks of the favours he has bestowed upon A.M. and his mother, S.H., and gives promise of further attentions.
26)             f. 62b-f. 65b.-To A.M., dated 7th Rabi' II, A.H. 478:-
              On receiving news of the death of al-Mukarram, M. has ordered that all correspondence be addressed to A.M. He entrusts the duties of the Da'wat and all the functions of the State to A.M. M. states that he has deputed 'Adud ad-din Abu'l-Hasan Jauhar to A.M. with letters to him (A.M.) and other leaders of the Yemenite Da'wat, as also with letters from Badr al-Jamali. M. also takes note of a letter from S.H. describing the death of Muk. and requesting the appointment of A.M. in the place of the deceased. M. has accordingly issued orders to the people of the Yemen.
27)               f. 66a-f. 67b.-To Muk., dated 'Id al-adha, A.H. 478:-
                Felicitations on the 'Id are conveyed. M. informs Muk. that everything is well with his kingdom in the hands of Badr and of his son al-Afdal.
28)             f. 68a-f. 69a.-From the Sayyida, the sister of Mustansir, to Muk., dated 14th Dhu'l-hijja, A.H. 478:-
               The Sayyida acknowledges the receipt of Muk.'s letter. The affairs of the kingdom, she says, are managed by Badr and the territory, which was once lost; has been restored through him. The Sayyida sympathizes with Muk. for his sufferings on account of the frequency of his wars and congratulates him on the final victory over the enemy.
29)             f. 69b-f. 70a.-To Muk., dated Jumada I, A.H. 461:-
                M. has received a petition from Himyar under the signature of one Ja'far the artist (الصانع) in which attention was drawn to Muk.'s administration. M. asks Muk. to show favour to the petitioner and help him.
              (One can read between the lines the complaint of the petitioner against the maladministration of Muk. (لأسباب دعته إلى ذلك) and the guarded manner in which M. desires Muk. To win the petitioner over by showing favour to him).
30)             f. 70a-f. 72a.-To Muk., dated Wednesday, 'Id al-adha, A.H.474:-
            Felicitations on the 'Id are described. The letter is dispatched after the ceremony is over. M. attends the Public Prayer Ground in company of Badr, and after prayers offers sacrifice "...عدل إلى موضع المنحر فنحر بسنان يمضي مضي الحتف في ادّعاءه شاكرا لربه على ما خوله من جزيل عطائه...الخ" Mukarram is asked to give publicity to this letter.
31)                 f. 72a_f. 73b.-To Muk., dated Saturday, 'Id al.Fitr,A.H.476:-
              Felicitations on the 'Id.
32)             f. 74a-f. 75b.-To Muk., dated 29th Safar, A.H. 467:-
             M. acknowledges the receipt of Muk.'s letter at the hands of his messengers Ibrahim b. Hasan and companion. M. had replied to this letter, when there reached him another letter from Muk., to which the present letter is the reply. M. is sure that his previous letter will satisfy Muk., and declares that the most important part of his writing was about Badr, who had raised the pillars of the Fatimid Kingdom after they had disappeared فقد قرر أمير المؤمنين في نفسه أنك تحل منه محل الأولاد وأنه يرى فيك أن يرفعك من درج الفضل إلى السبع الشداد وجدد هذا الفضل بهذا الذكر لما كان بحضرته من أهم الأمر فاعلم ذلك من راي أمير المؤمنين.
33)             f. 76a-f. 76b.-To Muk., dated 1st Rabi' I, A.H. 461:-
         M. has received a petition from al-Qa'id, Muqbil, and Mnwaffaq, who complain of Muk.'s treatment of them. Muk. is asked to adopt a conciliatory attitude towards them.
34)              f. 77a-f. 80a.-To Muk., dated 29th Dhu'I-Qa'da, A.H. 470:-
        This letter contains an elaborate description of the high position of Badr and of his great services to the Imam.
قد نشر الله تعالى به دعوة أمير المؤمنين بعد أن أصبحت رميماً ونضر به خلافة أمير المؤمنين بعد أن أصبحت فشيماً لم يكن لأمير المؤمنين بدّ من أن يرقيه في الرفع والأعلاء فوق الفراقد ويحلّه منه محلّ الوالد ويجعل له مقام الملك وينزله في عقد خلافة الإمامة مكان السلك فنصّ عليه في كفالة قضاة المسلمين وهداية دعاة المؤمنين نصّ حق ونقلها منه إلى محق مستحق إذا كان مبرزاً في ميدانهما ناطقاً بلسانهما عالماً بأحكامهما ....الخ  
This refers to the union of the functions of the state Khilafat and the mission (Da'wat) in the leadership of Badr. M. asks al-Mukarram to follow the guidance of Badr
فولّ وجهك نحو هذا السيد الأجل ... واجعله قبلة دينك في مصادرك ومواردك الخ.
35)             f. 80b-f. 88a.-From the mother of al-Musta'li, son of M., to S.H., dated 8th Safar, A.H. 489:-
             This letter (see 'U.A., vii, f. 79b-f. 83b; also No. 43 below) describes the nomination (nass) of M. in favout of his son, Musta'li, the revolt of Nizar and Aftagin at Alexandria, al- Afdal's campaign against Nizar's insurrection, and the events leading to the arrest of Nizar.
36)             f. 88b-f. 92b._To S.H., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480:-
            M. expresses his co-operation and support in her work. On hearing of the death of her husband, M. hastened to appoint her son, A.M., in place of his father. When Amir 'Adud ad-din returned, accompanied by Abu Nasr  Salamah al-Katib, M. learned from them the news of the Yemen. S.H. is asked to seek the assistance of Badr. M. assures her and. her two sons of his attention towards them. Regarding the controversy between Abu Himyar Saba b. Ahmad as-Sulaihi and Abu'r-Rabi' Sulaiman b. 'Amir az-Zawahi, M. is aware of S.H.'s correspondence with Na'im ash-Sha'ir al-Hilali, then with Sa'du'llah and his companion ash-Shirazi. The Amir 'Adudu'd-din and Shaikh Abu Nasr also aquainted M. with the nature of his quarrel. M. entrusts to S.H. the task of settling the dispute between the two. M. acknowledges the receipt of the sacrifices, poor-rates, and presents sent by S.H. through her agent Shaikh Abu Nasr.
37)               f. 93a-f. 98a.-To A.M., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480:-
 Since A.M. is the son of the Da'wat (سليل الدعوة ونجلها) and his ancestors were attached to the "rope" of the Da'wat, M. has appointed A.M. in place of his father and issued orders (سجلات) at  the hands of 'Adudu'd-din, and in these letters M. informed him:
واعلمك أن دعاة أمير المؤمنين وأولياءه نجوم في سمائه إذا حوى نجم اطلع نجما وسيوف إذا أغمد حساما انقضى حساما There came to M. also A.M.'s agent, Shaikh Abu Nasr Salamah b. Husain, who conveyed to him A.M.'s messages. Badr is again mentioned in eulogistic terms. A.M. has come to the throne through the favour of the Imaim in his teens, but M. assures him that he himself came to the Khilafat when he was under eight years of age and his grandfather, 'All b. Husain, became Khalifa when he was just nine years old. It is arguedوقد جاز هذا في الإمامة وهي الدرجة التي تلي النبوة  فكيف الدعوة التي لأمير المؤمنين أن ينصرف فيها على اختياره. M. reassures him of further co-operation and acknowledges the receipt of the dues of poor-rate ,etc.
38)             f. 98b-f. I03b.-To the Sultans of the Sulaihids and the Zawahids and the grandees (Masha'ikh) of Hijaz and to all sections of the Believers, dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480. The letter is an earnest appeal to the Sulaihids and Zawahids to shelve their mutual differences and to obey S.H. and her son, A.M. The letter contains a strong plea for unity in the cause of the Da'wat and records the surpassing services of  S., al-Mukarram, and S.H.
39)             f. 104a-f. 106a.-To Muk., dated Shawwal, A.H. 472:-
             This contains an order to arrest (1) ar-Rikabi, alias 'Abdullah,(2) Ibrahim Ghulam al'Amiri, (3) al-Husairi, and (4) Husairi's son, (5) a poet, who was with Subh al-Khariji, (6) a chamberlain of the Khalifa's Palace in the service of the sisters of the Khalifa, all of whom had fled from Egypt and made for the Yemen. M. asks Muk. to administer severe punishment to these miscreants, and send them as captives to Egypt (see No. 20.)
40)             f. 106b-f. l09a.-To Muk., dated Sha'ban, A.H. 460:-
          M. expresses sorrow at the death of S., and confirms his appointment to Muk. M. also notes Mukarram'a reference to the ungrateful conduct of Muhammad b. Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Abu Hashim al-Husaini.
41)                 f. l09b-f. 111b.-To Muk., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 468:-
           M. has received a letter from Muk., describing the troubled state of the Yemen and the subsequent victory of Muk. M. is pleased with this news. With reference to what Muk. has written about the death of the Da'i stationed in India, M. pronounces mercy on the deceased:وأما ما أوردته من شأن الداعي المقيم كان بالهند ومضيه لسبيله فالله تعالى يتجاوز عنه وقولك في دعاء الحاجة إلى من يسدّ مسدّه ويحفظ نظام المؤمنين بتلك الديار جاهداً جهده فأنت أقرب الناس من ذلك الحظ وأولاهم بالقبض والبسط فافسح في ذلك وفي سواه غاية الأمل واللحظ...وكاتب بذكر من يقع الاعتماد عليه لنعضده بالمكاتبة ونشدّه
(f. 109b) Muk. is asked to seek the help of Badr.
42)               f. 112a-f. 114a.-To Mukarram, dated Jumada II, A.H. 461 (see No. 55):-­
           M. bestows upon Muk. the further title of Amir al-Umara, and sends this glad tidings together with a tashrif through Mukarram's agents, the Qadi Lamak b. Malik, 'Abdullah b 'Ali, Muhammad b. Hasan, Hasan b. 'Ali, 'Abdullah b. 'Umar Abu'l-Barakat b. 'Ali 'I-Ashira, with whom M. is pleased.
43)              f. 1l4a-f. 120b.-From al-Musta'li to S.H.,dated 8th Safar, A.H.489:­-
This contains all elaborate account of the Nizari Aftakin's rebellion and the subsequent victory of Afdal over both.
44)              f. 121a-f. 123a.-To S.H., dated Safar, A.H. 471 :-­
          M. pronounce his blessings upon S.H. and reassures her of his own and Badr's co-operation.
45)              f. 123a-f. 125a.-To S.H., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480:-
          M. acknowledges the receipt of S.H.'s letter, and pays a high tribute to S.H. for all her sacrifices and services in the cause of the Da'wat.
46)              f. 125b-f. 12a.-To S.H., dated 7th Rabi' II, A.H. 478:-
After the death of Muk., M. appointed his son, A.M., and sent orders to that effect through his agent, 'Adud ad-din Jauhar al-Mustansiri. These were also accompanied by letters from Badr. Soon after the agent had left for the Yemen, there came to M. S.H.'s agent with news of Muk.'s death and request to appoint A.M. M. had already sent the agent with instructions to unify the forces of the Da'wat in the Yemen.
47)                f. 128b-f. 130a.-To S.H., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480:-
A letter of consolation to S.H. and her son, A.M., on account of the calamities inflicted upon them by their enemies.
48)              f. 130b_f. 133a.-To S.H., dated 10th Rabi' I, A.H. 478:-
        S.H. is praised for her great services in the cause of the Da'wat.
After the death of Muk., M. appointed his son, A.M., as his successor. Badr is also mentioned in this connection. M. has deputed 'Adud ad-din Abu'I-Hasan Jauhar al-Mustansiri with royal letters-one to express condolence upon the death of Muk. and others to leaders of the State and the Da'wat asking them to be loyal to A.M.
f. 133b.-Lacuna (بياض بقى من غير كتابة بسهو الكاتب).
49)              f. 134a_f. 136a.-To S.H., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 480:-
       M. is pleased with S.H:s information that the Sulaihids and Zawahids had composed their differences. Amir 'Adud ad-din and Shaikh Abu Nasr also acquainted M. with the situation.
50)             f. 136_f. 137b.-To S.H., dated Dhu'I-Qa'da, A.H. 481;-
       This letter (see 'U.A., vii, f. 62b-f. 63b; cf. also No. 63)gives formal sanction to S.H.'s appointment to the Da'wat of India of Ahmad, the elder son of the Da'i Marzuban b. Ishaq b. Marzuban on the death of his father. M. also approves of S.H.'s appointment of Isma'il b. Ibrahim, who was the Da'i at 'Umman (Oman), to help the Ahmad mentioned above, and of Hamza.,son of the late Sibt Hamid ad-din, to the Da'wat of Oman. M. appreciates S.H.'s vigilance in the affairs of the Da'wat. M. entrusts to S.H. the management of the Da'wat of India.
51)                 f. 13a-f. 139a.-From the Saiyida Malika, mother of M.,to S.H., dated Safar,A.H.471:-
        M.'s mother receives  S.H.'s letter and promises her own, M.'s, and Badr's co-operation and support.
52)             f. 139b-f. 141b.-From Saiyida, the daughter (?) of az-Zahir (mother (?) of M.), to S.H., dated Rabi' II, A.H. 480:-
        She has received S.H.'s letter at the hands of the Latter's agent, Shaikh Abu Nasr Salamah b. al-Husain. She pays a tribute to S.H. for her services and says that letters have been issued to A.M. and to the Sultans of the Yemen to support A.M. in his sovereignty of the Yemen.
53)             f. 141b-f. 114a.-From M. to S.H., dated Jumada II, A.H.480:-
         M. describes  the disturbed condition of the State and afterwards the establishment of peace and order by Badr, the flight of his adversaries to the Yemen, and the subsequent annihilation of those fugitives at the hands of Muk. Only one man, known as 'Abdullah ar-Rakabi (؟ المنتسب الى الترمن), still survives in the Yemen to carry on the nefarious work. He should be immediately arrested and killed. All efforts should be directed towards this.
54)              f. 144b-f. 147b.-To Muk., dated Rabi' II, A.H. 469:-
          M. entrusts the government of 'Umman to Muk., although the country was outside his jurisdiction, but since the people of this country have revolted against the established authority of the then prevalent church, M. suggests this course. As the Hijaz was near the Yemen, M. asks him to take over also the responsibilities of the administration of this country. Amir 'Abdullah b. 'Ali al-'Alawi (مستخلص الدولة العلوية وعدتها) of al-Ahsa has  supported the government against its enemies. Muk. is, therefore, asked to take the Amir into his confidence.
55)             f. 148a.-f. 149a.-To S.H., dated Jumada II, A.H. 461 (see No. 42):-
         M. mentions a previous letter which he has addressed to S.H. This letter M. had communicated after al-Muayyad fi'd-din's letter:ونفذ الكتاب المقدم ذكر عطف كتاب داعي دعاته المؤيد في الدين عصمة المؤمنين صفي أمير المؤمنين ووليه احسن الله عونه وتسديده وتوفيقه وهو يرجو وصوله فيقع منك موقع الشفا من ذوي الغلة   
M. had also sent honours  and titles (التشريفات والالقاب والتكرمات) to S.H.'s son[5] by her own agents, the Qadi Lamak b. Malik, 'Abdullah b. 'Ali, Muhammad b. Hasan, Husain b 'Ali, 'Abdullah b. 'Amr, and Abu'l-Burakat b. al-'Ashira.
56)             f. 149b-f. 152b.-To Muk., dated Muharram, A.H. 467:-
         M. acknowledges the receipt of Muk.'s letter handed over byابراهيم بن الحسن العامري and محمد بن تميم الكتامي. M. is satisfied with the support of Muk.'s followers, particularly of 'Amir b. Sulaiman az-Zawahi and Ahmad b. al-Muzuaffar as-Sulaihi. M. then speaks of the disorganization of the State, the appearance of Badr, and the subsequent peace and glory of his kingdom.
57)               F. 153a-f. 156b.-To r-Muk., dated 29th Dhu'l-Qa'da, A.H.468.
      This long letter is a description of Badr's campaign against the insurrection of Baladkosh and of the subsequent victory of Badr.
58)             f. 157a-f. 159b.-To Muk., dated 27th Sha'ban, A.H. 468:-
         In this, M. congratulates Muk. on having conquered twenty
mountain strongholds and on his victory over the enemy. This is accompanied by the mention of Badr's successes.
59)             f. 160a-f. 162a.-To Muk., dated Shawwal, A.H. 472:-
       This letter confirms M.'s complete confidence in Badr. He entrusts all the affairs of the State, Khilafat and Da'wat to Badr. Also Badr's two sons-Abu'l Husain 'Ali and Abu'I-Qasim Shahanshah are mentioned in eulogistic terms. This letter is sent with Sa'id b. Hamza.
60)             f. 162b-f. 165a.-To Muk., dated Rabi' II, A.H. 461:-
       Muk.'s letter has been received. M. sympathizes with Muk. Upon his father's assassination and the destruction of his family, but expresses his joy at the defeat of the enemy and at Mukarram's taking revenge on him.فلله درّك أيّها الأجل لقد ذكى غرسك وطاب وحق أمل أمير المؤمنين في تقديم قدمك وما خاب فاعلم أنك خليفته في بلاد اليمن وعماده وعدته وسناده وقر عينك بما اعطاك من الرتبة السنية والدرجة العلية
     Regarding the representations of Ghars ad-din Yusuf b. Husain b. Yusuf as-Saimuri (?), which are referred by Muk. to Egypt, M. advises him to consider the situation and his own strength to meet it.
     The bearer of Muk.s letter, Husam ad-daulah Nadir al-Mustansiri, is asked to return with this letter in company of a former agent, Ja'd b.Hamid b. al-Huwaid al-Yami (?). M. also orders other agents who came in the time of S. to return to the Yemen.
      M. bestows upon Muk. the further title of Amir al-Umara.
61)                 f. 165b-f. 167b.-To Muk., dated 15th Ramadan, A.H. 461:-
      M. has received a letter at the hands of Muk.'s two agents, Sifr b. Sinah b. Abi'l-'askar and Ja'd b. 'Abdu'r-Rahman al-Yami, and is pleased to hear of Muk.'s crushing victory over the enemy.
       M. pays a tribute to Muk.'s mother and congratulates him upon the birth of a male child, honours the new_born babe with the title ofالامير نجيب النجباء  and sends an amulet to be tied on its arm:وكتب لك بخط يده شبه العوذة لتشد بها في عضده والله تع يجعله مبارك الناصية ويتولاه بالعشية الراضية بمنه 
       Regarding Muk.'s inquiries about Shahrayar b. Hasan, M. says al-Mu'ayyad will deal with the matter:وأما ما سئلت فيه مما يتعلق بالوفيّ شهريار بن حسن فإنّ الشيخ الأجل داعي الدعاة المؤيد في الدين عصمة المؤمنين صفيّ أمير المؤمنين ووليّه أبا نصر هبة الله بن موسى سلّمه الله واحسن توفيقه وتسديده يفعل في ذاك ما يوجبه حكمه ويقتضيه ....
62)             f.168a-f.168b.
        This is a fragment from M.'s letter addressed probably to  S.(?). There is no date. M. had written a separate letter dealing exclusively with the unrest at the Haramain and had asked S. to spend from his (S.'s) own purse for the performance of the rites and ceremonies of the place. In this letter, M. reminds  him of his former injunction and asks him to carry with him 10,000 dinars to the Holy Places.
He has also dispatched Amir Tahir b. 'Ali b. Hassa (حاسة ؟) with the clothes he has worn and prayed in on the last Friday of Ramadan in order to elevate the position of S.
63)             f. 168b-f. l70b.-To Muk., dated Rabi' I, A.H. 476:-
Mukarram's letter received. Regarding the Da'wat in India and 'Umman, M. had received letters from these parts with requests to send deputies to fill the vacancies caused by the death of their da'is. Also Mukarram's suggestion to appoint Marzuban b. Ishaq b. Marzuban to the mission of India and Isma'il b. Ibrahim b. Jabir to that of 'Umman is accepted. Orders to this effect have been issued by the office (majlis) of the Amir al-Juyush and sent with the Amir Mu'izz ad-dauIa Tauq b. Nasik (see No. 50).
64)              f. 171a-f. 172b.-To Muk., dated Friday, 'Idu'I-adha, A.H.476:-
       Greetings on the 'Id.
65)             f. 173a-f. 174b.-To S.H., dated 15th Ramadan, A.H. 461 :-
M. expresses his great pleasure to bear from her the glad tidings of the birth of a male child to her. He bestows upon the new-born babe the title ofالأمير نجيب النجباء . This letter is sent with the Amir Abu'I-Fadl Tahir b. 'Ali b. Habasa and two of her own agents (see No.61)
66)              f. 174b-f. 175b.-To S.H., dated 12th Dhu'I-Hijja, A.H. 478:-
       This letter is in reply to S.H.'s inquiries regarding the insurrection of the" seceders" (الخوارج). M. informs her of the complete victory over the rebellious forces through the efforts of Badr.

[1]The Letters of Al-Mustansir bi'llah ,Husain F. al-Hamdani and Fatimid Khalifa al-Mustansir bi'llah, Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1934), pp. 307-324, Published by: Cambridge University Press, Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/60750710.2307/ 607507
[2] 'Umara  also gives another date, viz. A.H. 473, which is supported by al-Janadi and Ibn Khallikan. In my note on page 508 of JRCAS.. vol. xviii, part 4. October, 1931. I have used the latter date, depending upon 'Umaa. and al-Janadi. but in the light of the contemporary evidence of the Sijillat. the date could not be other than A.B.469.
[3]See my article, JRAS., Jan., 1932, p. 135, and Encyc. of  Islam, s.v.
[4] This Risala is a polemical treatise written by aI-Amir bi ahkami'llah to support his father al -Musta'li's and his own claims to the Khilafat of M. against the contentions of  Nizar and his followers. (See also Nos. 35 and 43.) The Risala is  preserved by the Da'wat and an edition of the text is under preparation.
[5] The text hasالى ولدك , whereas in No- 42 it is said that these honours were sent to Mukarram with these agents . While Mukarram was still living ,these could only have been sent to him.الى ولدكmay perhaps be copyist's mistake.

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